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Before experiencing ANY kind of fame or fortune every singer has to undergo many trials, tribulations, set-backs and different singing experiences with performances and auditions. Getting noticed and ‘becoming famous’ doesn’t happen overnight, it not easy and you will have to work for your place in the music industry.

This is something every famous singer has had to go through in their singing career. It is true with almost every singer, and even applies to the contestants on The Voice UK. Many of them have worked on their voice and performance, and even once a winner is announced from the show, their singing journey has only really just begun...

Even Xfactors famous judge Simon Cowell comments “Whether you are singing in a group or a solo performer, preparing for any audition requires a lot of work.”
Auditions can be stressful but if you prepare yourself well enough with the right performance techniques you’ll do just fine. The number one reason people fail auditions is because they are unprepared.

No matter how talented and great their voice is (or should be) they are unprepared and when it is time for them to sing they start to feel very nervous as if their heart is about to jump out of their chest and this nervousness becomes evident with their shaky voice and unclear pronunciation of lyrics.

It is very important that you condition yourself before the day of the audition and practice your audition piece many times. Focus on being exited rather than nervous, stay in a positive ‘happy’ mood and set out to win.

Some helpful audition tips for The Voice UK auditions:

  • Mental Rehearsal – Rehearsing positive scenes in the mind has proven to be a very effective way of boosting attitude, confidence, will power and performance. Try to mentally rehearse your audition in your mind first. Picture yourself singing in front of the happy judges and cheering crowds over and over again, feel how you would feel, hear the judges congratulate you, what great things might they say? Do this many times daily on the run up to your audition and stay in that positive winning mental attitude. When it comes time to sing for your audition, you’ve positively mentally rehearsed this experience MANY times before and aced it every time! You’ll feel a lot more comfortable.
  • Choose the Right Song - Make sure that you pick the right song that you can confidently sing at any given time. Avoid choosing a song with a very high pitch if you know you can’t sing it perfectly every time. Choose a song that would sound great with the quality of your voice.
  • Perform 110% - Perform in audition as if you are already in the actual contest. So many contestants fail to pass because they treat their audition like a rehearsal as there are no crowds or shiny lights. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to have another audition. You will usually be put in groups of 10 to sing in front of a production panel, from there you’ll move on through the live shows. But auditions are first, so aim to please from the word go.
  • Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself – Many singers don’t even go to auditions from fear that if they get rejected, it will have some sort of impact on their future singing career or they fear being told them they can’t sing. This ‘fear’ is a killer. The fact is, in the music industry you WILL have many hurdles to jump and mountains to climb, failures are part of the process. Each one making you stronger. Always take any and all criticism as positive feedback to help you improve and stay positive and if you believe you were meant to sign, then don’t give up. Your time will come.

If you’re looking to apply for The Voice UK come along to the Fakenham Singing School for some singing technique training, performance tips and audition preparations. We’ll help you prepare for your audition and make sure you stand out among the rest to increase your chances of going through to the next round and making onto the TV broadcast shows.

The Voice UK Audition Videos:

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